Sunday, February 12, 2012

Latitude Time, Longitude Horse

So I opened a vintage horse shop on Etsy shop in January because I like to dream it will pay for my sweet mare to have all that she needs, pay for me to continue with my riding instructor, pay for me to one day be looking out over verdant fields, musing over which of the three marvelous, suited-in-all-ways horses I shall ride just then, long freed from work I've lost the heart for and a place I've never ever thought of as home...

Ahh, dreams. That's a lot of freight to hang on a little cyber-commerce. But the shop is there, weaned off my wishing and moving on unsteady legs toward my wanting. What a magical thing it gave me yesterday.

In the evening, someone purchased this vintage photograph from my shop. I'd called the photo Shot In the Heart and written about all the details I'd noticed in it. I wrote about the kind hands of the rider and the strength of the well-built pony. I wrote about the Shriner at background right and the little girl at background left, whip-lashing her neck at the sight of the pony as her mother leads her by the hand. It was that very same girl, grown now and horse-fevered all her life, who bought the picture. She recognized herself and wrote me a wonderful note with her order; instantly we were bonded through years, space and time; we were bonded through horses.

Value of my time: nothing much. Value of the photograph: $7.50. Value of her finding it: Priceless.


Daisy said...

Well this is amazing!! Cool way to make a new friend!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Wow, that's some coincidence. Very cool. Glad you set up your shop, hope it is very successful. Good luck!

Karen C. said...

Today is the first day I have visited your blog...and it is the 2nd comment I am leaving so far...wish my lunch was longer! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! I am a very nostalgic person and my heart warmed and swelled when I read the story of the girl finding herself in the photo. Thank you! :-)